Judith Wright Poetry Morning with Sr Kath Dwyer Judith Wright

 Reflection by Sr Deirdre O'Sullivan

On the 1st April 2017, ‘Under Kath’s influence of poetry’ we journeyed with Judith Wright towards “the blinding original Word”

A delightful and inspiring Saturday morning spent at the Ashbury Piazza with sisters Kath Dwyer and Mary Talty sharing things, in Kath's words - Living, Loving and Mystical.

In her inimitable poetic and mystical pedagogical way, Kath invited us to explore the depth and height of Judith Wright’s poetry. Kath captivatingly shared with us this iconic Australian poet’s work which sings and dances her life long passion for land and landscape. It rhythmically voices too Wright’s womanly experience and understanding of the source and often wordlessness of love…
“Silences, spaces reach most deep, and will not close.” (J.W. Space Between)

Kath’s way of communicating her years of passionate engagement with prose and poetry makes her, with her muse - sister Judith Wright, a magical weaver of words. What a joy and privilege to be an absorbing student with her even if for only half a day!

Tenderly exploring the essence, insights and rhythm of just a small selection of Wright’s monumental opus - The Flame Tree; Woman to Child; Sonnet; Five Senses; The Forest; To Hafiz of Shiraz; Grace; South of My Days; Prayer; and Space Between, provided meditation for a lifetime with its beautifully expansive wealth of living and loving.

Mary too provided a fitting musical conclusion with Toby Martin’s song “Spring Feeling” - another invitation to the awaking of the spiritual self in the dailiness of ordinary living.

Kath’s presentation was indeed a gentle move towards Easter and “the blinding original word” J.W.

What better way to name and express gratitude for the morning than to borrow from Judith Wright’s poem Grace -

 “Maybe there was once a word for it. Call it grace,

I have seen it, once or twice, in a human face.”



illawarraflametree 1

Reflection by Sr Marjorie Carroll

I felt very privileged to hear Sr Kath Dwyer's talk on the poetry of Judith Wright. It was a profound experience. Kath presented not only with a knowledge but with a sensitivity and passion that at times brought us close to tears.

By elucidating on eight of Judith's poems, Kath showed Judith's gradual journey inwards to the "blinding original Word" and an awakening of her spiritual self.

Kath entitled her presentation "Sharing things living,loving and the mystical."

Kath certainly did that, holding us captive as she enlightened, enthralled, and enriched us with Judith's words.

I came away walking on air with thoughts sublime:

" a rhythm that dances
and is not mine"; "the dream draws on". J.W.


 Images: top right: Judith Wright, Poet
bottom left: Illawarra Flame Tree