Marj Jubilee for webSr Marjorie Carroll Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

The 27th August saw the Piacevolezza Community come together to celebrate Marjorie Carroll’s Diamond Jubilee. Marj would be known to many who attended St. Ursula’s College in Kingsgrove and Armidale during the mid 1960’s -1979’s as Mother Gabriel.

Marj led the community in a reflection which she termed as the “Ultimate Celebration of Thanksgiving” which was anchored in the sense of being deeply grateful for all that has been given. Reflection on the gifts of the oceans, forests and mother earth was followed by listening to an excerpt from Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony. A toast was then given to the gift of our created world.

The world emphasis moved to Australia with grateful hearts reciting chosen verses from Dorothea Mackeller’s “I love a Sunburnt Country”. This opened the way for remembering Marj’s parents celebrating her English, Irish and Kiwi heritage and singing the New Zealand National Anthem!

Marj’s mother died when she was a small child but she clearly remembers the Ursuline sisters being true “Mothers” to her and recalled the names of those who had nurtured her from Kindergarten to 5th Year.

Marj’s concluding quote for the reflection of her thanksgiving came from Ps. 16:

“The lines for me have fallen in pleasant places
and I am greatly pleased with my inheritance.”

The celebration of Marj’s Jubilee had, as is evident a deep sense of remembering with joy and gratitude.
Such remembering is indeed the true and indescribable spirit of JUBILEE!

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